Tropic Breeze Caribbean & Maldives Holidays

01752 880 880
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Open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm.
Closed Sat and Sun.

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Tropic Breeze : Our Team

Jo Founder
"I have always been a keen traveller and have a special affinity with the sea - through my love of sailing I have worked in Maine and the Mediterranean, enjoying everything from Lobster BBQs on the beach to local Turkish meze. However it was sailing around the British Virgin Islands that led to my enduring love for the Caribbean and the creation of Tropic Breeze. I've visited every single hotel and resort that is featured on our website and am always happy to talk to clients about options. "
Memorable Experiences: "There are so many experiences that can make a holiday special, and I find that each trip gives something new to remember it by. Being up close to hummingbirds in a rainforest on Tobago, going on a zip wire through the rainforest in St. Lucia and snorkelling in volcanic bubbles in Dominica are just a few of the most memorable things I've done."
Favourite Places:  "Where do I start? I think I'd have to choose Barbados, the BVI’s and Bequia."
Where next? "Cuba sounds fascinating!"
Top Travel Tips: "When visiting the Maldives, make sure your flight times are carefully planned as sea planes can't land after dark. If you enjoy snorkelling I would recommend that you stay at an island with a good house reef. In the Caribbean don't just stick to the beach - venture inland and sample some of the island's unique culture."
Three things I couldn’t travel without: "Phone, camera and snorkelling equipment  - even if I have only got a few minutes spare I am straight in the water!"
Mark Managing Director
Managing Director
"My journey to Tropic Breeze is quite a strange one! I started my working life as an Internal Auditor before moving into the corporate world - I travelled between the UK, Asia and Australia meaning lots of travelling and little time at home. I then decided to “help” Jo out for 6 weeks but never left….that was over 15 years ago!"
Memorable Experiences: "I have an incredible amount of memories from my many years of travelling. Some of the experiences that really stand out include driving across Borneo and giving way on the roads to monkeys, a road trip from Los Angeles to Mexico where we stopped and ate lobster from shacks along the coast, and a visit to Sri Lanka where I watched local ladies hand pick the tea in the breathtakingly large plantations."
Favourite Places: "It has to be Bequia Island in the Caribbean... It’s rough beauty and unspoilt nature offers a truly authentic and beautiful Caribbean experience."
Where Next? "Cuba - the stories I have heard and the cultural experience it offers makes it a destination I have to go and check out for myself!"
Top Travel Tip: "Roll your clothes and pack them like that - it saves on room and no creases!"
Three things I couldn’t travel without: "Phone, laptop and flight socks."
Katie Commercial Manager
Commercial Manager
"I started working in the travel industry soon after graduating from university and can't imagine doing anything else now. It's given me the opportunity to visit some incredible destinations and I love being able to share my experiences and recommendations with clients. When I'm not at work, I spend most of my time exploring Dartmoor with my horse Benjamin. We are lucky enough to have some amazing countryside in Devon, and I like to make the most of it by getting out with my horse as much as I can!!
Memorable experiences: My most memorable travel experience was probably touring around Sri Lanka visiting the Cultural Triangle, Kandy, Tea Country and the south coast of the island. Sri Lanka is unlike any other destination I have visited and I was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the people, the culture and the breathtaking landscape. Sri Lanka is such a diverse island - you can have breakfast in the cool and mountainous scenery of Tea Country and by early afternoon be sitting on a tropical beach with a cocktail in your hand! The highlight of the trip though was visiting Minneriya National Park and getting up close to herds of wild elephants, including some very adorable babies.
Favourite places: It would be a close call between the Grenadines and the south coast of Sri Lanka - I love long, unspoilt beaches, and the beaches in both these destinations are some of the most beautiful I have come across in my travels. 
Where next? There are so many places I would like to go, but at the top of my list is probably South Africa. I would love to spend a few days in Cape Town, visit the winelands and then spend some time travelling along the Garden Route. The scenery in this area looks amazing and I love the style of the traditional winelands hotels - there's something very romantic about those old fashioned country lodges.
Top travel tips: Make sure you are well prepared! Do your research before you travel so that when you arrive at your destination, you can make the most of your time there. If there is something specific you want to do whilst you are away, I think it is always worth checking whether you can pre-book it to make sure you don't miss out. It is also worth checking any visa or entry requirements for your destination well in advance to make sure you don't have any nasty surprises just before you are due to travel. 
Three things you couldn't travel without: My mobile phone (mostly for taking pictures!) and a good book.
Trish Senior Travel Specialist
Senior Travel Specialist
"My career started in hospitality before progressing to British Airways cabin crew. I spent 10 years travelling the world and seeing my parents in the USA frequently before my husband and I choose to move to Devon to start a family. After spending a few years at home raising our two children, I decided to re-enter the world of travel - Tropic Breeze was the perfect fit."
Memorable Experiences: "My past and current careers have enabled me to travel extensively, in terms of the highlights it has to be our honeymoon at Huvafen Fushi which was the ultimate luxury and pampering escape! Another trip I will always remember was driving from San Francisco to Malibu along the Pacific coast road and stopping for fresh seafood in Monterey Bay."
Favourite Places: "The Sunshine coast in Australia. The beaches are beautiful and our stay in Maroochydore was amazing."
Where Next? "I would love to take my two children to Carlisle Bay in Antigua."
Top Travel Tip: "Buy a good mosquito spray..and use it!"
Three things I couldn’t travel without: "Hand sanitizer, a big sunhat and my camera."
Claire Operations Team Leader
Operations Team Leader
"I moved to Devon in 2004 to study for my degree in Hospitality Management. After graduating I worked for a local government agency for six years. However the draw of working in an industry that had always been of great interest to me was just too much to resist, especially with the unique setting of an old converted coach house surrounded by countryside with three friendly Labradors. Having been lucky enough to travel with both my family as a child and now with my husband, I am keen to travel further."
Memorable Experiences: Arriving at Jade Mountain, St Lucia at night and seeing the most incredible panoramic view of the star-lit sky and then waking in the morning to the stunning view of the Pitons from our missing fourth wall; sailing past the Italian Volcano, Stromboli as it erupted; and catching the Northern Lights on the last day of an amazing trip to Iceland.

Favourite Places: I love walking around Dartmoor particularly in the Autumn, St Lucia and Grenada for their stunning scenery and wildlife, Iceland for a snowy holiday and Budapest for a cultural City Break.

Where next?: Having recently started a family, holidays will probably be spent nearer to home for a while!  We are looking forward to returning to Croatia to visit a good friend and hopefully I'll be able to return to the Caribbean with my husband and daughter in the future.

Top Travel Tips: Do your research before you travel, get an idea of what you want to see and do so that you don't miss out on anything - you may not get that opportunity again.

Three things I couldn’t travel without: Camera, swimwear and good company.


Jessica Travel Specialist
Travel Specialist

"I have been lucky enough to have been visiting the Caribbean from a young age as my family were keen sailors and would charter a catamaran in the Grenadines and BVI's - this is definitely where my love for the Caribbean began! Until now my career has been very different due to my passion for working with horses. I was a professional show rider and groom for many top teams, and was competing all over the country. While I thoroughly enjoyed my time working in the Equestrian business I wanted a change in career. When it came to deciding on a move, my love of travel was a deciding factor. It seemed only natural to join the team here at Tropic Breeze when the opportunity arose."

Memorable Experience: My most memorable experience would have to be bathing and feeding the elephants at a sanctuary in Thailand a few years ago!

Favourite Place: Either Barbados or Bequia.

Where next? Africa - I'd love nothing more than to go on safari!

Top Tips: If in the Caribbean, go sailing for the day! In my opinion, you cannot beat the feeling of the warm breeze, cocktail in hand and sound of reggae in the background.

Three things I cannot travel without: My phone, sunglasses and sun cream.  

Kate Travel Specialist
Travel Specialist
"I grew up in South Devon but moved away when I was 18 and spent time living in various parts of the UK and overseas. Since then I have mainly worked in travel and hospitality and have been lucky enough to experience a wide variety of roles, ranging from working as an International Airline Concierge to running a backpacker's hostel in New Zealand. I have been fortunate enough to visit some amazing places and meet some fantastic people along the way. I returned to Devon a few years ago, met my husband and the rest, as they say, is history. When the opportunity at Tropic Breeze came up it felt like the perfect fit!"
Memorable experiences: My most memorable experience would be a close call between hiking the Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand (which was unlike anything I have ever experienced) to watching the sun come out over the Grand Canyon after we had arrived in pouring rain and heavy fog with absolutely no visibility. Also being able to experience the Northern Lights from the flight deck of a Boeing 747 was quite something!
Favourite places: Having lived in Wellington, New Zealand for 4 years it holds a special place in my heart. I also absolutely fell in love with Barbados while having the most amazing time there on my honeymoon a few years ago. Closer to home I absolutely love visitng Devon beaches and country pubs with my husband and dog. 
Where next? I'm looking forward to exploring the Caribbean further and having fallen in love with Bequia in the short time I spent there whilst on a cruise a few years ago; I would love to visit for longer. In all honesty though, I would happily travel almost anywhere given the chance!
Top travel tips: Relax, enjoy and be grateful for the experience. Try to be present in the moment as much as you possibly can. 
Three things you couldn't travel without: Camera, sun cream (we've all done it!) and a local guidebook.
Jessie Travel Specialist
Travel Specialist

I grew up in Devon exploring as much of the coast and the moors as I could. I have always been active and I love sports. Growing up I was very lucky to be able to compete all over the place. This ignited my love of exploring and after university I moved to Italy and worked in a chalet nestled in the stunning italian mountains. When the season finished I worked in Paris teaching physical education for three years, where I was very keen to be able to take my students around the world competing and exploring. I recently moved back to Devon as all the best adventures lead home and starting work at Tropic Breeze has opened my eyes to some wonderful places that I would love to visit in the future!

Memorable Experiences: working as a chef in Italy during the ski season, I never got used to the stunning glittery mountains and the bluest skies. 

Favourite Places: I love exploring small villages with cobbled streets and character, I also love discovering all kinds of new wildlife whether that's in the rainforest or under the ocean.

Where Next? I would love to visit Grenada, I would get straight into the sea and explore the underwater sculpture park amongst the wildlife and explore the rainforest. 

Top Travel Tip: researching before you fly is the best way of ensuring you make the most of everything on offer. Also get involved in everything, even if it feels a bit silly, get stuck in and you won't regret it. 

Three things I couldn’t travel without: suncream, sunglasses, headphones


Tania Contracts

My passion for travel started at a young age as I was lucky to travel to Greece and other parts of Europe frequently to visit family. After exploring new places, cultures, and languages I was determined to turn my passion for travel into my dream job. My love of the ocean led to a career as a dive travel consultant, specialising in bespoke liveabord and shore based trips worldwide. After a break from the travel industry I realised this is my true passion and I was lucky enough to join the Tropic Breeze team!

Memorable experiences: "Quad biking in Spetsas, Greece, zip lining in Montezuma, Costa Rica, and I won't forget scuba diving with curious Oceanic white tip Sharks in Egypt in a hurry!"

Favourite places: "Wow this is difficult! I’d have to say the Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica, truly one of the most beautiful and relatively untouched places in the world. It alone makes up 2.5 percent of the world's biodiversity."

Where to next: "Grenada - if can tear myself away from the beautiful Grand Anse Beach, I'd love to visit the underwater sculpture park and explore the rainforest, especially Annadale falls. After that, Petit St Vincent in The Grenadines to explore the stunning local dive sites which are teeming with abundant marine life."

Top Travel Tip: "Take a phrasebook and use it learn a few local phrases. Pack a tennis ball in your hand luggage, great for relieving stiff and sore muscles - roll it over your shoulders, lower back, legs, and the bottoms of your feet to help get your blood flowing again."

Can't live without: "Sunglasses, flip flops and a scarf, which makes for a great blanket if you get cold on the plane."

Emma Contracts

Having been very fortunate to visit many amazing countries with my family growing up, I am keen to further explore the world and working at Tropic Breeze has opened my eyes to some more wonderful adventures that are yet to be had.

Memorable Experiences: My first holiday without my parents, I went to Barcelona with a friend and ticked off all the typical tourist attractions whilst immersing ourselves into the culture.

Favourite Places: Travelling around Vancouver Island with family was amazing! Managed to see some whales and brown bears too. Also, Lake Como was stunning.

Where Next? I’d love to travel around Australia and New Zealand, but Paris is next in the diary!

Top Travel Tip: Even if the sun isn’t visible, you still need to wear sun cream!

Three things I couldn’t travel without: Phone, a hairband, and good company.

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